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K-12 and Charter

Collegium Charter School – Alterations to the 515 Building, New Performing Arts Center

MKSD has provided design services to the Collegium Charter School for over fifteen years. From master plans, code compliance permit drawings, additions, and renovations.

The first project was a Master Plan due to the significant increase in student population. The results from the study led to the renovation of a 45,723 square foot, two-story office building and adding 19,400 square feet of space for a gymnasium/auditorium, stage, fitness center, music center, secure entrance lobby, library, and two classrooms.

MKSD designed an expansion to the high school building. The program included a full-size gymnasium with a seating capacity of 800, a new main entrance, a STEM lab, two music classrooms, and two art classrooms. The project also included new site paving overlay and roof replacement.

Most recently, MKSD designed a new 18,000-square-foot Performing Arts Center with a seating capacity of 650. The state-of-the-art facility will feature a welcoming lobby, concession stand, catwalk, fly-zone, orchestra pit, and control booth. Support spaces include dressing rooms and music classrooms. Also, as part of this project, a portion of the existing building was renovated to allow for 14 new classrooms and an elevator. The $10 million project opened in 2021.